Dr. Ross Greene and Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) | TCE #033
What to Expect
Dr. Ross Greene and Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) | TCE #033
In this episode, RyanO, Danielle and Dimitri and Danielle welcome on Dr. Ross Greene. Ross is an American clinical child psychologist and author of the books The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost & Found, and Raising Human Beings. Greene developed a model of intervention called Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS). He has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Greene is founding director of the non-profit Lives in the Balance and developed and executive produced the documentary film, The Kids We Lose. Links mentioned are below the contact form, and please reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram with your thoughts! Did you know you can call into the show here 24/7?
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Dr. Ross Greene and Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) | TCE #033
Links for Today
NOTE: Notes reference the podcast, please subtract approximately 3 minutes for YouTube version.
0:02:45 Topic: Introducing Dr. Ross Greene!
0:03:07 Lost at School by Ross Greene
0:03:08 Lost and Found by Ross Greene
0:03:14 Check out the Nonprofit organization Lives in the Balance
0:03:17 Check out the documentary The Kids we Lose
0:06:04 Check out this article for more information on Gerald Patterson
0:09:45 Topic Change: A discussion around the value and limitations of diagnoses and describing behavior
0:12:45 Check out this link for more information on the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) model
0:17:00 Topic Change: (In)Accessibility to interventions for challenging behavior due to scientific language
0:18:14 Check out Dr. Gregory Hanley
0:24:16 Check out Dr. Thomas Gordon
0:24:19 Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children by Thomas Gordon
0:25:29 Check out B. F. Skinner
0:31:41 Check out this article about Israel Goldiamond and Nonlinear Contingency Analysis
0:32:15 Check out the Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders Clinic in Washington, DC
0:32:26 Check out Wade Horn's research contributions in ADHD
0:32:28 Check out Keith Conner's contributions in ADHD
0:35:26 Check out Dr. Russell Barkley
0:37:40 Check out Dr. William Pelham
0:39:05 Topic Shift: The distinction between lagging skills and replacement behavior
0:39:46 Check out the Assessment of Lagging Skills & Unsolved Problems
0:46:23 Check out Tony Biglan
0:49:10 Check out this article for one of Dr. Barkley's papers on lagging skills
0:49:55 Check out this article for another one of Dr. Barkley's papers on lagging skills
0:50:18 Check out George Kelly
0:52:10 Check out this article for more information on the Goodness of Fit theory
0:52:13 Check out this book for more information on Transactional Models of Development
0:52:27 Check out this article on Goodness of Fit by Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas
0:52:28 Temperament and Behavior Disorders in Children by Chess, Thomas, and Birch
0:52:29 Check out this article for more information on R. Q. Bell
0:55:55 Check out Virginia Tech's clinical psychology programs
0:56:52 Topic Change: The integration of philosophy, narrative, theories, and models
1:00:07 Topic Shift: The path to developing CPS
1:05:19 Check out Walter Mischel
1:05:20 Check out Albert Bandura
1:05:24 Check out Michael Rutter
1:05:45 Topic Change: Discussing The Kids We Lose, Lives in the Balance, and seclusion/restraints
1:20:40 Check out Lives in the Balance's new website: True Crisis Prevention
1:20:47 Check out the graphic related to seclusion and restraint use
1:22:05 Topic Change: Concluding remarks - Dr. Greene's advice to behavior analysts
*Amazon links are affiliate links. No other links are affiliates unless disclosed in parentheses next to the link.
Special Thanks
Dimitri and Danielle for their hard work in making this podcast happen!
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Who We Are
Dimitiri Makridis
I’m a behavior analyst living in Columbus, Ohio. I'm a practitioner-scientist, at least I really try to be. I started out in direct care, as many of you, and have grinded every inch of the way. I have an M.A. from The Chicago School, and I’m working on my Ph.D. right now. I’m pretty simple when it comes to what I think about the field. Basically, we have the power to change anything we want about anyone at any time given the necessary variables and resources. That includes saving the world. Not too out there, right? If you’re reading this, we’re probably on a similar wavelength, or at the least, you get what I’m saying. I’m diving in this experiment to see if I can bring anything to the table and learn as much as I can. My interests are all over the place from anything behavior analysis, philosophy, politics, technology, media, to podcasting, all things guitar, disc golf and reading comic books. In my free time, I read and consume content and information. I’m a novel information stimulation junky! Don’t hesitate to reach out and get some dialogue going I believe and want to work on the mission of building this community! Hit me up on Instagram @explanantoryficiton. As a huge comic nerd, I have a love of origin stories so don’t hesitate to let me know how you got here!
Ryan O’Donnell
Hey, I'm Ryan. I usually go by Ryan O or RYANO. I hail from northern Nevada in the grungy, yet surprisingly classy, (and newly renovated) Reno, Nevada . I like my climate like I like my data: evolving, uncompromising, and progressive. I am a master of science; that is, I have an M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis, however my interests have grown to include many other interests, including entrepreneurship and capturing perspectives and stories through various mediums. These interests and skills have allowed me to work with a lot of great people. I've started three businesses, started numerous active joint venture agreements, a behavioral think-tank, a podcast, a professional development movement, helped organizations that support people with Intellectual Disabilities, to list a few. Currently I'm on a "gap" year where I make content for behavioral science enthusiasts and prepare for my next big venture (TBA in 2019). I focus outside this role on building a community of thought leaders and doers to create content that increases the transparency of behavior analytic technologies with the hopes of creating a platform that truly saves the world. My interests are all over, from artificial intelligence and machine learning applications to the theory and philosophy behind Why We Do What We Do (wwdwwdpodcast.com). In my spare time you can find me consuming social media, prepping/climbing a giant mountain, or walking around with my camera in my hand (and, occasionally, all simultaneously). Connect with me personally on most all social platforms via @TheDailyBA and let me know what drives you to pursue the Behavior Analysis vision.