The Behavior Academy
The Morningside Model of Generative Instruction
“Children will gain at least 2 grade levels in their skill of greatest deficit in one school year, or their money back.” - The Morningside Guarantee
A documentary film and course based in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Created by Ryan O'Donnell, MS, BCBA
Behavioral Scientist and Filmmaker
The History of Applied Behavior Analysis: Part 1
A documentary film and course based in Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
Created by Ryan O'Donnell, MS, BCBA
Behavioral Scientist and Filmmaker
You've heard of Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968), but do you know the true story behind the origins of Applied Behavior Analysis? This fascinating documentary takes you to Lawrence, Kansas, and explores the nuanced history through the lens of 30+ individuals—some who carved the initial path and others who navigate in their wake, continuing the legacy. Delve into the profound influences of the experimental analysis of behavior, community-based and community-engaged research, the evolution of precision teaching, and more. Journey through time with exclusive tours of historic locations, uncovering the ongoing challenges, triumphs, and enduring impact that transformed a small academic pursuit into a global scientific movement.
Director, writer, executive producer, editor & cinematographer: Ryan O'Donnell, MS, BCBA
Run Time: 3 hours 35 minutes
You stumbled into a field you absolutely LOVE and you want to shout from the rooftops! But the jargon you learned in graduate school just doesn't quite sink in... In fact, there’s even evidence now* that it turns people AWAY from the science we have all come to love… When you figure out how to solve this problem and you develop the skills to effectively share our field there’s a new world of opportunities that arise - kind of like a behavioral cusp. In Storytelling and Behavior Analysis: Using Narrative in Science I will guide you through three distinct things. First, the story about how Applied Behavior Analysis became a known field. The reason most of us ever had a job in this field is because of one powerful story written by a mother who we are indebted to as a field. Second, I cover how our field’s experts are speaking on the role of narrative, how we understand it, and what we need to do to fully investigate the effect. Third, and most importantly - I’ll explain two distinct models that are used by science communicators and professional storytellers that know how to influence the behavior of billions of people simultaneously. Explore the frontier and strategies like the ABT method and the Hero’s Journey in this short-form course designed for BCBA® & BCaBA® credential holders. BACB® CEUs are included and discounts are available for RBT®s looking to leverage this knowledge. Learn more here. *(Becirevic, Critchfield, & Reed, 2016; Critchfield et al., 2017; Jarmolowicz et al., 2008)
So you’ve recently obtained your BCBA® certification OR you’re in a spot where you’re like: WHAT ELSE CAN I DO WITH ABA? Maybe you’re even BURNT OUT in your current role?! Well, did you know that our field has produced over ~350 different domains of research on human behavior? In "Beyond the Task List!" I will guide you through four distinct things. First, how behavior analysis nicely fits into other fields (the Bx+ model) and where to start brainstorming to find how you want to use ABA in other ways. Second, a model of how to understand and create behavioral technologies* including 18 historical and active technologies leveraging behavior analysis that you likely haven't heard of with a link to ~350 different domains to explore. Third, a quick theoretical and philosophical breakdown of various models beyond the 3-term and 4-term contingencies taught in BCBA® course sequences that some of the brightest in Behavior Analysis use. And lastly, an overview of ABA's infrastructure and supporting organizations so you can connect and further refine your scope of practice and scope of competency in the areas that line up with your passion most. BACB® CEUs are included in this short-form course designed for BCBA® & BCaBA® credential holders and discounts are available for RBT®s looking to leverage this knowledge. Learn more here.
*Embry & Biglan, 2008; Layng & Twyman, 2013; Twyman, Layng, Stikeleather & Hobbins, 2004; Embry, 2004; Twyman, 2014; Twyman, 2015
Social Media is the largest social experiment. PERIOD. Every day billions of posts, photos, and videos are shared and consumed leveraging human behavior along the way. In this course, Ryan O'Donnell, MS, BCBA breaks down how social media platforms work, discusses the ethical implications and navigating them, overviews 7 major social media platforms, and provides 11 ways to monetize and sustain your social media channel. Case examples and strategies are included for each platform with special sections on storytelling, hardware and software considerations, cancel culture, preaching to the choir (vs outreach and dissemination), A/B testing, and the future of social media on a decentralized platform. As a result, you will be positioned to leverage social media for your professional and personal goals as a behavior analyst (BCBA®, BCaBA®) - or at least know everything RyanO has learned leveraging social media as a Behavior Analyst. BACB® CEUs are included and discounts are available for RBT®s looking to leverage this knowledge (email with RBT number for verification and special pricing.) Learn More & Free Sample
Essential for Living (EFL) provides children and adults with moderate-to-severe disabilities, including but not limited to autism, a comprehensive life skills curriculum, and evidence-based teaching procedures from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Direct Instruction, and Precision Teaching. 8 BACB® CEUs are available. Learn More & Free Samples is a website I (Ryan O’Donnell, MS, BCBA) launched in 2020 to share past event recordings and new online courses fueled by Behavior Analysis. You can save 55% off the Convergence of Human, Animal Training and Technology (CHATTcon) online course package.
A total of twenty-seven (27; one ethics, no supervision) BACB® Learning CEUs Available!*
On Location
Founded in 2020 by Sarah Trautman, MA, BCBA and myself (Ryan O’Donnell, MS, BCBA) We provide high-quality continuing education and entertainment to human service professionals, including psychologists, behavior analysts, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and more.
Season 1: Boys Town, Nebraska, USA
Immerse yourself with Dr. Patrick C. Friman in a cinema-quality learning experience of how a different way of thinking helps thousands of people every year at Boys Town, Nebraska. 7 BACB® Learning CEUs Available.
Season 2
Immerse yourself in three new series: This Way of Being, This Way of Practicing, and This Way of Doing. 15.5 BACB® Learning CEUs Available (7 Ethics, 0 Supervision).**
TAGteach International
I’ve partnered with TAGteach International for CHATTcon. In addition, I’m a strong advocate and affiliate member.*** TAGteach is a powerful approach that lets you supercharge the entire learning environment. You will learn to...
Optimize instructions
Provide instant, meaningful positive feedback
Fast-track success for you and your learners
Access to monthly live Q&A with TAGteach Co-founders and Faculty
Access to new premium content each month
Access to 20+ recorded TAGteach webinars
Access to TAGteach conference recordings
Free and half price live webinars
Free live web classes
Access to private TAGteach community chat: share discussions, photos and videos with other members
Low monthly fee, cancel anytime
*RYANO, LLC is an Approved Continuing Education (ACE) (# OP-19-3037) provider and The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (“BACB”) does not sponsor, approve or endorse RYANO, LLC, the materials, information or sessions identified herein. RYANO, LLC is owned by Ryan O’Donnell, MS, BCBA and he receives a portion of sales.
** Team On Location, LLC is an Approved Continuing Education (ACE) (# OP-20-3317) provider and The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (“BACB”) does not sponsor, approve or endorse Team On Location, LLC, the materials, information or sessions identified herein. Team On Locaiton, LLC is partially owned by Ryan O’Donnell, MS, BCBA and he receives a portion of sales.
*** As a TAGteach International affiliate I make a commission off of sales that come from this link directly.